The first time Carol practiced yoga, she felt a simple, yet profound connection to the deepest part of her being. She tapped into true peace. Everything was suddenly alright. She felt deeply calm, a quiet joy. She has been chasing that feeling ever since. That was more than 20 years ago.

She created a life to support her newfound passion, immersing herself in multiple teacher trainings, specializing in ashtanga yoga. She became the director of her own yoga shala for 6 years. She headed off to India to fully drop in.

While there, she found a new, complimentary passion in the study of astrology. Astrology led to seeking more knowledge through philosophy, mythology, and psychology. She is now pursuing a higher education in these fields.

Carol draws upon all her passion when teaching, creating an organic and holistic approach. She has studied closely with some of the most influential ashtanga teachers of our time. She finds great joy in sharing her knowledge. She feels in many ways her students teach her, cultivating beautiful and symbiotic relationships.

She especially loves working closely with her students in her In Depth Study training program. She is excited to continue on this blessed path, expanding and evolving into what may come next at the Studio.

Though it doesn’t last indefinitely, she taps into that deep well of peace again and again. It’s what brings her back every day. Do your practice and all is coming…