As a long-time teacher and a perpetual student, I am so thrilled to share my love of yoga at The Studio. I began my yoga teaching journey in 2012 and have remained in constant studentship since then. I’m lucky to have been able to study with yoga anatomy and Yin Yoga pioneer Paul Grilley and have completed hundreds of hours in learning about yoga anatomy and philosophy. I am also a ParaYoga Nidra certified teacher, having spent many hours in studentship with Yogarupa Rod Styker. As an E-RYT 500 yoga teacher and a certified continuing education provider, I have a solid foundation in both the Yin and Yang forms of yoga. I am dedicated to sharing the healing aspects of yoga with my students and strive to be of service to the Reno community, including leading future yoga teachers find their foundation and voice in the Sacred Roots Teacher Training program. For more information on me and Sacred Roots teacher training, please visit